Some Facts About Farms in the United States

Over 2 million farms operate in the United States, accounting for over 20 million American jobs. About 30 percent of farmland is used to produce exports.

Liability Insurance for Farmers

Farmers need to carry liability insurance to pay for mishaps involving third parties. If a visitor to your farm, for example, slips and gets injured, your liability coverage will pay for it.

Liability Insurance  Inclusions

It’s always wise to read a policy carefully before signing up to ensure you know the exact coverage you’re getting.

Business Property and Asset Insurance

As a farmer, you likely have plenty of commercial assets to protect, including farming equipment.

Other Types of Insurance for Farmers

Insurance is such a vast world; a farmer still needs other types of coverage beyond the several types of farming insurance. You should also look into health and dental insurance.

Let the experts at Leland Smith Insurance Services guide you through the process.

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